Masters of Arts (Town Planning)
Planning, Urban Design
Mathew is a highly skilled urban planner with more than 15 years’ experience across both the private and government sector in Australia and the UK. He has expertise in both statutory and strategic planning, encompassing a broad spectrum of land use and development types and scales.
Mathew’s skill set encompasses statutory planning and project formulation advice, the management of complex projects, strategic plan preparation and placemaking, urban renewal and community engagement. Mathew also assists in the preparation of expert evidence statements for a range of VCAT matters and Panel Hearings,, and appears as an expert and advocate in his own right.
Mathew has a particular interest in urban strategy and design issues. His experience in the Victorian planning system has involved advice and project facilitation for a range of medium and high-density residential developments, institutional buildings, commercial and retail developments and cultural uses, for a range of clients.