The Project
The proposal will accommodate a five-storey building, considerately designed to sit comfortably beside the original hotel, while also providing a respectful backdrop for Ostler’s House, a small brick heritage cottage fronting Kay Street.
The development is within the Traralgon Activity Centre, conveniently situated within walking distance of local services and Victory Plaza.
Our Work
The team collaborated closely with the project team and La Trobe Council and were able to achieve officer support and unanimous support from local Councillors.
This application balanced the growing economic and tourism needs of the activity centre, car parking requirements and the valued heritage assets of the local area to achieve a permit for this well considered, high quality architectural outcome that will make a positive contribution to the locale.
Our traffic and waste teams worked closely with Council and the client to develop a car parking and waste solution that ensured the new Quest building could provide convenient parking for future residents while accommodating the needs of the users of the original Hotel.
Their work was assisted by their strong understanding of the traffic and waste needs of Quest and the local traffic conditions of the area. This resulted in an integrated car parking and waste solution where preservation of the heritage building and activation of the street was critical.
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