
Broadmeadows Town Centre West


Hume City Council

Project Contact

Ariel Utz


Urban Design

Broadmeadows Town Centre West Analysis and Vision

Broadmeadows Town Centre West Analysis and Vision

Broadmeadows Town Centre West Analysis and Vision

Broadmeadows Town Centre West, Urban Design Analysis and Vision
Broadmeadows Town Centre West, Urban Design Analysis and Vision

The Town Centre West will be a source of community pride where Broadmeadow’s diverse population and visitors, can enjoyably socialise, live, work, and relax.

Overarching urban design guidelines were included to ensure a cohesive and innovative public domain.

The Project

Identified as a Major Activity Centre, the Broadmeadows Town Centre West precinct is expected to evolve into a pedestrian-friendly capital of Melbourne’s north.

The Town Centre West will be a source of community pride; a place where Broadmeadow’s diverse population, and visitors, can enjoyably socialise, live, work, and relax.

Our Work

The urban design analysis prepared for Hume City Council by Ratio’s Urban Design team formalised the vision for new developments, providing directives for how the Town Centre West precinct should evolve.

Opportunities and constraints were identified, considering the different initiatives presented for the area, including open spaces, connections, and built form, integrated into the site’s broader context.

Overarching Urban Design guidelines were included to ensure a cohesive and innovative public domain.

Our work also helped inform:

  • Final landscape design for the Bendigo Kangan Institute interface with the Town Park,
  • The need for master planning of future Bendigo Kangan Institute site, including public access through the site;
  • Setbacks, frontages and entries along Pearcedale Parade;
  • Assisted HCC in master plan investigations for renewal planning at Homes Victoria’s Banksia Gardens Housing Estate.

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Broadmeadows Town Centre West