
170 Kooyong Road, Toorak

Credit: Christopher Doyle Architects


Cambridge Construction Group


Christopher Doyle Architects


City of Stonnington



170 Kooyong Road, Toorak

170 Kooyong Road, Toorak

170 Kooyong Road, Toorak

170 Kooyong Road, Toorak
170 Kooyong Road, Toorak

The residential development was affected by a Heritage Overlay prior to the issuing of planning permit.

Our planning team liaised with council and key stakeholders to facilitate a satisfactory outcome for the client.

The Project

The three storey, three dwelling development over a basement is situated off the busy Kooyong Road. The site is heritage graded as ‘significant’ due to the front fence being a remnant element of the former Oma mansion. The mature pine within the front setback of the site is also historically significant as a remnant example of the formally extensive Oma Estate gardens.

The residential development is situated within walking distance of education and sporting offerings, Burnley Gardens, and connected public transport routes.


Our Work

Our planning team worked through the initial application phase to gain support at a council officer level which included changes to the design of the building and envelope. Other challenges included meeting the heritage considerations for the site, including to the front fence and large cypress.

This decision was overturned at a Council meeting and our team reached an agreement with objectors and council at compulsory conference, mediated by MinterEllison, following a VCAT hearing.


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170 Kooyong Road, Toorak