
Pallas House

Credit: Ewert Leaf




Ewert Leaf


City of Port Phillip

Pallas House

67-69 Palmerston Crescent, South Melbourne

Pallas House

Pallas House
Pallas House

On the advice of Ratio, the client lodged a permit amendment which greatly assisted in reducing planning timeframes.

Ratio assisted the project team with technical planning, traffic and waste engineering advice.

Development Overview

Pallas house is an 8-storey retail and office building located on the fringe of the city within the St Kilda Road North Precinct of South Melbourne. The site is 592sqm, situated in an area experiencing a high level of residential and commercial growth.

The commercially zoned site is affected by the Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 26 and the Special Building Overlay, meaning the site needed to comply with Melbourne Waters flood mitigation requirements.


Architectural Opportunity

The amended architectural design of the building evolved through an in-house design competition held by Ewert Leaf and the selected winners worked collaboratively with the developer to achieve a bold and elegant building.

Pallas House capitalises on CBD views and includes over 1,900sqm of high-quality commercial space, as well a flexible ground floor retail offering and a large landscaped communal rooftop terrace.

Our Work

Our Planning team ran the planning application and achieved an amended permit through Council. The site came with an approved permit for a residential development.  The team facilitated pre-application meetings with Council and elected to amend the existing permit which allowed for a more streamlined process.

The team further tailored the original approval to suit our client’s needs while capitalising on the benefits of amending the existing permit and plans. There were also strict Melbourne Water requirements which the team addressed by collaborating with all consultants.

Since the granting of the permit, our planning team ran several additional amendments and secondary consent variations, as well as a liquor license application for a wine bar at basement level.

Our transport team successfully justified a large reduction in car parking on the basis of the site’s excellent access to sustainable transport modes, generous provision of bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities, and the commitment to the implementation of a Green Travel Plan outlining sustainable policies to reduce private motor vehicle use.

The team further proposed and implemented space-efficient mechanical car and bicycle parking systems, noting the constrained size and nature of the site.

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67-69 Palmerston Crescent
South Melbourne