
Nightingale Anstey

Credit: Breathe Architecture


Nightingale Housing


Breathe Architecture


Merri-bek City Council

Project Contact

Mitchell Fairlie Brett Young


Waste Management

Nightingale Anstey

216 Albion Street, Brunswick

Nightingale Anstey

Nightingale Anstey
Nightingale Anstey

The Waste Management Plan aimed to reduce the amount of waste produced, manage the collection appropriately and promote a more sustainable community.

By adopting waste minimisation, Nightingale Anstey can assist Moreland City Council in achieving its’ zero waste to landfill by 2030.

Ratio understands the importance of education and behavioural change to help reduce people’s impact on their environment. Our waste consultants see a real opportunity to have a positive impact on the way communities deal with their waste.

The Brief 

Our waste team created a waste minimisation focus in the Waste Management Plan developed for the Nightingale Anstey development.

Existing Nightingale Housing communities already manage their waste output better than most by:

  • Generating approximately 50% less waste than typical multi-unit developments.
  • Providing systems that encourage waste stream separation.
  • Promoting sharing of equipment and resources, such as tools, laundry appliances and cleaning products.
  • Giving residents the opportunity to compost their food organics for use on their own gardens.


Waste Management Plan

Ratio Waste Management Plan embedded Nightingale’s ethos into a tangible document that acts as both an education piece for the new community of residents and commercial tenants and a working plan for the owner’s corporation.

The Plan provided:
• Practical tips for reducing waste output by reusing and recycling valuable resources.
• A waste system that encourages users to sort their waste into general waste, mixed recyclables, paper and cardboard, soft plastics, organics, e-waste and hard waste, to divert waste from landfill and minimise waste collection costs.
• A cardboard baler that makes for easier cardboard recycling, saving space, collection costs and collection frequency.
• A smaller waste room footprint, reflective of Nightingale’s reduced waste outputs.
• A demonstration of how a small waste collection vehicle could gain access to the rear laneway network to collect the bins on collection days.


Ratio’s Waste Management Plan was endorsed by Merri-bek City Council and the development is expected to be completed in early 2022.

We look forward to continuing our work with Nightingale Housing and other communities in developing waste minimisation strategies to reduce their waste-print on the environment.

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59-101 Alfred Street
North Melbourne

"By 2046, Victoria is expected to produce 40% more waste than it did in 2017–18. If we don’t act now, this will put pressure on our waste and recycling system, increase landfill, and create more greenhouse gas emissions."

— Victorian Government