
Hobart Waterfront & Salamanca


Planning Politics Aside – Tasmanian Government





Planning Politics Aside – Tasmanian Government

The State Government will introduce legislation for specified planning decisions to be made by an Independent Planning Pannel.

Planning Politics Aside – Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian State Government has proposed a new pathway for permit applicants to choose if Council or an independent planning panel makes a final decision on a planning application.

This alternate pathway would be accessible to those intending to deliver large-scale developments and projects of community interest and benefit.

An independent planning panel, appointed by the Tasmanian Planning Commission, would deliver better outcomes for all parties, especially when concerned with fast-tracking housing approvals in a bid to combat the ongoing housing supply crisis.

This initiative has the potential to improve the development approval process without removing the community advocacy role of local governments.

We estimate this reform will only affect 10% of future applications as it would only apply to projects with an estimated cost of at least 5 million dollars in rural areas and 10 million dollars in urban centres. Predominately large-scale developments, housing and projects of public interest.

We look forward to monitoring this proposed planning reform as it makes its way to Parliament at the start of 2024.