
Colleen Peterson


Organisation Changes - Colleen Peterson




Organisation Changes – Colleen Peterson

Ratio farewells Colleen Peterson, Director: Planning, as she assumes the Head of State Planning role at the Department of Transport and Planning

Organisation Changes – Colleen Peterson

It is with deep appreciation and recognition of her immense personal and professional contributions to our organisation that we announce Colleen Peterson, Director: Planning, will farewell the team at Ratio Consultants and take on the new Head of State Planning role at the Department of Transport and Planning, effective 21 October 2024.

“With the current challenges in the supply of housing, now is the time for industry to lean in and become part of the solution. I see that the time is right for me to step up to the plate and add my skill and expertise to the planning reform agenda.

I am looking forward to working with the team at the Department and taking a fresh and innovative approach to planning in Victoria. Planning should strive to result in better outcomes, adding value to the process and creating places to live that will positively contribute to a more liveable future,” ‒ Colleen Peterson, Director: Planning.

Colleen has been part of Ratio for more than twenty years, where she has enjoyed a long tenure on the leadership team, occupying the roles of Director, Managing Director and CEO, where she played a significant role in establishing the company’s standing as a prominent professional consultancy.

Colleen’s sustained efforts to represent the property and development industry have seen her use her platform to take on advocacy and reforming roles within the industry and establish herself as one of Victoria’s leading expert witnesses.

A hardworking and giving professional, Colleen has always been generous in sharing her wealth of experience and investing in the people around her, contributing to the development and mentorship of staff within Ratio and the broader industry.

CEO William Bromhead, Managing Director Peter McKelvie, the Directors, and the staff of Ratio Consultants thank Colleen for her tremendous contribution to the company and industry and wish her all the very best as she champions planning reform in her new role.