What the mandate involves
The mandate will target large food waste generators in NSW, including:
The mandate will be implemented gradually targeting residual waste (i.e. waste sent to landfill) bin capacities as per the below schedule:
By 2029, most large food waste generators must provide dedicated food waste collection systems.
What the mandate means for NSW
The mandate will encourage the widespread adoption of food waste collection systems in the commercial sector and convert valuable food waste, historically sent to landfills, into resources such as compost and renewable energy. It will also reduce the methane load from landfills, a harmful greenhouse gas. The environmental benefit is estimated to be the equivalent of removing approximately 3 million cars from the road each year.
The mandate will introduce a re-examination of current food waste practices, including the use of new innovative designs and food waste separation from landfill streams.
How Ratio can assist
Ratio’s circular economy and waste management teams can help you navigate these new changes. It is what we do every day! Specifically, we can assist with:
This mandate presents an opportunity for large businesses to adopt sustainable, long-term food waste management practices that benefit both their business and the environment. Contact Ratio today to ensure your projects are ready for this mandatory change to food waste management throughout NSW.