
Road Safety Audit


Road Safety Audits


Ben Krastins





Road Safety Audits – A Ratio Service

Road Safety Audits are critical in ensuring ensure the safety of all road users. A road is not necessarily ‘safe’ for its users just because a design complies with relevant standards.

Road Safety Audits – A Ratio Service

Road Safety Audits: A Rundown

A Road Safety Audit is a formal review and assessment of road safety risks associated with a change to road or transport infrastructure.

An audit is typically triggered by road authority policies and processes, however, they can be undertaken at any stage in the life cycle for a road or transport-based project, from feasibility through to functional and detailed design or post-completion.

Road Safety Audits are critical to ensuring that the safety of all road users is considered from a design standpoint, bearing in mind that just because a design complies with relevant standards, this does not necessarily result in a safe road environment.

A team of appropriately qualified auditors (a minimum of two), including at least one Senior auditor, are required for completion of a Road Safety Audit, however additional input from other transport engineers or qualified auditors can also assist with establishing audit findings and recommendations.

Who Benefits from an Audit?

Road Safety Audits cover a wide range of project types at different stages during the delivery lifecycle. Typically, audits are completed as part of intersection or road upgrades, bicycle infrastructure and pedestrian crossing installations. Regardless of the project type, an audit considers road safety risks for all road users, not just those in motor vehicles.

An audit follows a framework which is set out in the Austroads Guide to Road Safety, Part 6: Road Safety Auditing. An audit may include both day and night-time inspections, depending on the stage of the project. Other key tasks in compiling an audit include briefing meetings, preparing reports, and reviewing and researching relevant design standards or guides.

The ‘Safe System’

The Safe System is an emerging and continuously evolving emerging approach to road safety that has now been adopted by all States and Territories across Australia.

The Safe System approach looks at aspects of a road environment and transport system, taking a holistic approach to safety, considering not only the design of roads but road user behaviour, speeds and vehicle safety.

Safe Systems acknowledges while people make mistakes, the road environment should be forgiving as we look at reducing the severity of injuries while ultimately working towards zero fatalities or serious injuries on the road network.

Safe Systems Assessment or Road Safety Audit?

A Safe System Assessment typically occurs earlier in a road project’s life cycle, at a feasibility or options assessment stage.

The Assessment identifies how a project or multiple project options align within the Safe System and its principles. The Assessment also assists in identifying further improvements or modifications to the preferred design/s to reduce the likelihood, exposure or severity of a crash.

Road Safety Audits can be undertaken at any stage of a project, however, typically relate to a preferred design or concept functional layout plan after progressing past the feasibility stage.

Our Team

Our Transport team is supported by engineers and designers who have a comprehensive knowledge of design guidance and industry innovation and deliver diligent advice to clients.

Our team of qualified Auditors routinely undertake Road Safety Audits for a range of clients and project types across metropolitan, regional and rural areas of Victoria. Submit your queries to Senior Road Safety Auditor, Ben Krastins, Associate: Transport at