
Designing Waste Management and Logistics Systems for Aged Care Facilities


Designing Waste Management and Logistics Systems for Aged Care Facilities


Lachy Harris




Waste Management

Designing Waste Management and Logistics Systems for Aged Care Facilities

Aged care facilities generate waste streams that must be accounted for early in the development’s design and layout.

Designing Waste Management and Logistics Systems for Aged Care Facilities

Designing waste and logistics strategies for aged care facilities requires both knowledge of industry best practice and the processes of the facility service providers.

Keeping it Clinical

Different sectors generate different waste streams and it’s important to account for clinical waste when advising on a waste management system for an aged care facility. Clinical waste requires special treatment to prevent the spread of injury or disease.

Dangerous and infectious objects found in clinical waste streams include sharps, human tissue, chemical, pharmaceutical, and cytotoxic waste. It is best practise to separate clinical waste streams in a different room to the rest of the waste generated in the facility.

Designing for Delivery

It’s important to design back of house areas as safe environments that comply with regulations and suit the requirements of both the operators and the licensed contractors who will collect and process the waste and linen outputs of aged care facilities.

Waste and logistics systems in aged care facilities must minimise potential hazards and infections, and ensure waste, linen, and consumables are appropriately segregated when transferred in and out of the building to avoid cross contamination of dirty and clean items.

Our waste management team get involved in the design process of a development early on to design the waste room and loading dock to ensure the layouts function efficiently.

Speak to Our Team

Are you looking to build an aged care facility? Reach out to our waste management team at