The gazettal of Amendment VC253 on December 14 2023 means that for a ‘second small dwelling’, the planning approvals process has been streamlined in residential and rural zones.
The amendment codified specified residential development standards at Clauses 54 and 55 of the VPP in all planning schemes, to facilitate assessment of these standards and provide certainty to developers and the broader community.
The operation of the provisions is modified to state that where the standard is met, the objective is deemed to have been met, and the associated decision guidelines for the standard are not required to be considered.
In a recent legal decision by Senior Member Rickards Forecho Brighton Pty Ltd v Bayside CC [2024] VCAT 72, the Tribunal considered a proposal for a three-storey apartment building at 11, 11A and 13 Black Street, Brighton after the introduction of Amendment VC243. Of relevance, the site is zoned General Residential (GRZ2) within the Bayside Planning Scheme, which requires consideration of Clause 55 requirements and is affected by the Design and Development Overlay (DDO11) which outlines discretionary setback controls to second floors.
Several questions of law were considered in relation to whether meeting certain ‘deemed to comply’ standards allow for variation under the Neighbourhood Character Standards ResCode and Council’s local neighbourhood character policies.
Notably, the Tribunal determined (inter alia):
This decision upholds the findings of D’Andrea v Boroondara CC [2023] VCAT 1148 insofar as if the objective of the standard is met, the conclusion drawn is ‘that the setbacks of buildings from a street respect the existing or preferred neighbourhood character and make efficient use of the site’.
Therefore, the Tribunal does not have any ability to require a greater front setback in relation to Standard B6 taking into consideration any neighbourhood character provisions within Clause 55, policies within the planning scheme and/or impact on adjacent heritage buildings pursuant to Standard B1 and B2.
Ratio Consultants look forward to providing further insights as more matters are heard before the Tribunal following codification of the residential development standards. Please contact our office at should you require any assistance with VCAT or other planning-related matters.